11x17 / APR 2020
For this project, I designed an album for one of my favorite artists, Lauv. This album was one of my favorites because it was about love, loss, heartbreak, and everything in between. It felt like Lauv was writing a letter to his audience about his experiences and I wanted to depict that feeling in this album design. I kept the color palette very neon and bright because although there's a certain gloominess in this album, there is also something electrifying about how he tells his story. These shades of blue seemed like the perfect combination to represent those feelings. I added a pop of orange to bring a little diversity into the design, but chose something that would still be successful in the overall look.
I chose roses as a central theme because it represents romance. However, the drip element shows how the rose is falling apart and melting away. I assume by his songs that he was feeling the same hopelessness when he wrote the songs.